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Luigi Raso

L’Ape Musicale

That of the Sextet Stradivari is a dragging, swaying performance between research and a highlight of dreamed and nuanced colors and melodies (in the first two movements) and incisive, at times almost barbaric, sounds in the last two. An extremely intriguing and suggestive reading: the Italian sound and temperament, children of one of the best Italian orchestras (and not only), recreate one of the most singular and involving masterpieces of the repertoire for sextet

Paolo Petazzi

Classic Voice

Among the choices that characterize the performances of the Stradivari Sextet there is the preference for clearer sounds … slightly slower times … always with great attention to the richness of nuances and the extraordinary poetic intensity of these young masterpieces Brahms

Julio César Huertas

El Pais di Montevideo

Any praise is insufficient to do justice to the merits of any instrumentalist. These brilliant performers have revived stellar moments of German chamber music before us, deserving the numerous applause of the audience.

Cesare Fertonani


Very careful, the work of the Stradivari Sextet aims to highlight the salient characteristics of Brahms’ style in a reading that does not find – and perhaps not even research – extreme timbre and articulation refinements but unfolds an airy phrasing and a breath of convincing musicality.

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